Goat number one

Goat number one
It's Exclaim!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Colostrum Express

I took a ride over to Buxton on Sunday to pick up some frozen colostrum ice cubes from Cheryle.  You didn't know there was such a thing, did you?  Apparently, we are going to have babies sooner than we anticipated.  We were thinking February, but I guess I didn't read the notes.  Pim was pastured with Jethro for a week in July.  Count out 150 days and -assuming it took- we are going to be in business pretty darn soon.  Basically, from here on out through January, we could have babies dropping out all over the place.  Hence the colostrum.  We need to bottle feed it to all the kids to make sure they each get some.  Then we freeze any extra from mom to have on hand for the next batch.  So...off I went, and got more clipping and milking lessons to boot.

Check these out:

I love this picture.  Look at her face, you just know she's saying 'What are you Doing???'

1 comment:

  1. OMG! That last pic is PRICELESS!!! Good luck on the baby watch!! Will be thinking of you and hoping all goes well! Love to you both.
